Management of Social and Healthcare Institutions (M.A.)

Application period
online 01.12. - 15.01.

Study location

Social Work, Munich

Dean of the Faculty
Prof. Dr. Jochen Ribbeck

Akademischer Abschluss
Master of Arts (M.A.)

Start of the degree programme
summer semester

Standard period of study
3 semesters full-time, or 6 semesters part-time
Objectives & contents
In order to structure the development requirements of social and healthcare institutions in a goal-orientated manner, the Master's degree programme qualifies graduates to independently and responsibly take on leadership positions and management functions. In the sense of development-orientated management, it enables scientifically sound and at the same time ethically reflected, value-orientated leadership and management in social and healthcare facilities, as well as future-orientated further development of the relevant knowledge base in science, research and development.
With the studies and the degree
- you deepen your knowledge and activity spectrum
- you qualify for senior tasks and leadership positions, as well as management functions
- you can take on planning, conceptual and leadership roles, as well as tasks in the management of social services, education and healthcare
- you have mastered the instruments of applied research
- you can follow up with a doctoral degree programme
Structure of the curriculum
The course is composed of two or four theoretical semesters. In the third or fifth and sixth semester, you write your Master's thesis. The degree consists of self-study units as well as course time spent in attendance at the university. The in-class training is held at the KSH premises in Munich and at the Benediktbeuern campus. The degree is divided into modules. A module contains several courses whose contents are related. Every module is completed with a module examination, which is awarded with so-called credit points according to the European Credit Transfer System.
The degree programme has a modular structure and consists of 90 ECTS credit points (CP). 30 CP are earned per semester. The courses are held regularly during the week or as block units on weekends.
Prospects & perspectives
- Leadership positions in the management of healthcare and social system facilities, nursing homes, service provision organisations in the social economy, non-governmental welfare work, etc. and especially also of institutions in church sponsorship, ecclesiastical institutions and associations
- Management functions in the operational task areas such as financial management, controlling, marketing and IT
- Quality management
- Personnel management
- Change management
- Freelance work in healthcare and social services
- Activities in advanced and further training, research and development
- In public institutions, such as ministries, social agencies, WHO, etc.
- Corporate, organisational and HR consulting
Applications & admission
We offer 25 places on the course each summer semester. Consecutive Master's programmes always build on Bachelor's (and Diplom) qualifications. In order to be able to study a consecutive Master's degree programme, it is not imperative that you have previously completed a Bachelor’s/Diplom degree with exactly the same contents.
Admission requirements for the consecutive Master's degree programme in Management of Social and Healthcare Facilities:
- Bachelor’s or Diplom degree of at least six semesters in social work, nursing, nursing management, nursing education, business administration, economics, childhood education and upbringing, or an equivalent, related qualification at a German university, or an equivalent degree from a foreign university. The degree programme is also suitable for students with degrees from health-related and therapeutic fields
- minimum grade in the last degree completed: at least 2.5
Please note that applications are only possible during the application period. If you have a foreign higher education entrance qualification or a foreign university degree, and wish to apply for a Master's degree programme at the KSH Munich, you must first have your foreign certificates checked by the external service provider uni-assist e.V.. The pre-evaluation documentation obtained from uni-assist e.V. must be submitted together with the application documents. For more information, please see the section on Information for Foreign Applicants.
For further information about the degree programme, please refer to the German pages about the Management of Social and Healthcare Institutions (M.A.) course, or ask the general contact person at the Dean's Office.
Management of Social and Healthcare Institutions (M.A.)

Application period
online 01.12. - 15.01.

Study location

Social Work, Munich

Dean of the Faculty
Prof. Dr. Jochen Ribbeck

Akademischer Abschluss
Master of Arts (M.A.)

Start of the degree programme
summer semester

Standard period of study
3 semesters full-time, or 6 semesters part-time
Objectives & contents
In order to structure the development requirements of social and healthcare institutions in a goal-orientated manner, the Master's degree programme qualifies graduates to independently and responsibly take on leadership positions and management functions. In the sense of development-orientated management, it enables scientifically sound and at the same time ethically reflected, value-orientated leadership and management in social and healthcare facilities, as well as future-orientated further development of the relevant knowledge base in science, research and development.
With the studies and the degree
- you deepen your knowledge and activity spectrum
- you qualify for senior tasks and leadership positions, as well as management functions
- you can take on planning, conceptual and leadership roles, as well as tasks in the management of social services, education and healthcare
- you have mastered the instruments of applied research
- you can follow up with a doctoral degree programme
Structure of the curriculum
The course is composed of two or four theoretical semesters. In the third or fifth and sixth semester, you write your Master's thesis. The degree consists of self-study units as well as course time spent in attendance at the university. The in-class training is held at the KSH premises in Munich and at the Benediktbeuern campus. The degree is divided into modules. A module contains several courses whose contents are related. Every module is completed with a module examination, which is awarded with so-called credit points according to the European Credit Transfer System.
The degree programme has a modular structure and consists of 90 ECTS credit points (CP). 30 CP are earned per semester. The courses are held regularly during the week or as block units on weekends.
Prospects & perspectives
- Leadership positions in the management of healthcare and social system facilities, nursing homes, service provision organisations in the social economy, non-governmental welfare work, etc. and especially also of institutions in church sponsorship, ecclesiastical institutions and associations
- Management functions in the operational task areas such as financial management, controlling, marketing and IT
- Quality management
- Personnel management
- Change management
- Freelance work in healthcare and social services
- Activities in advanced and further training, research and development
- In public institutions, such as ministries, social agencies, WHO, etc.
- Corporate, organisational and HR consulting
Applications & admission
We offer 25 places on the course each summer semester. Consecutive Master's programmes always build on Bachelor's (and Diplom) qualifications. In order to be able to study a consecutive Master's degree programme, it is not imperative that you have previously completed a Bachelor’s/Diplom degree with exactly the same contents.
Admission requirements for the consecutive Master's degree programme in Management of Social and Healthcare Facilities:
- Bachelor’s or Diplom degree of at least six semesters in social work, nursing, nursing management, nursing education, business administration, economics, childhood education and upbringing, or an equivalent, related qualification at a German university, or an equivalent degree from a foreign university. The degree programme is also suitable for students with degrees from health-related and therapeutic fields
- minimum grade in the last degree completed: at least 2.5
Please note that applications are only possible during the application period. If you have a foreign higher education entrance qualification or a foreign university degree, and wish to apply for a Master's degree programme at the KSH Munich, you must first have your foreign certificates checked by the external service provider uni-assist e.V.. The pre-evaluation documentation obtained from uni-assist e.V. must be submitted together with the application documents. For more information, please see the section on Information for Foreign Applicants.
For further information about the degree programme, please refer to the German pages about the Management of Social and Healthcare Institutions (M.A.) course, or ask the general contact person at the Dean's Office.