Study location

Social Work, Munich

Dean of the Faculty
Prof. Dr. Jochen Ribbeck

Academic degree
Bachelor of Arts (B.A.); state-approved childhood educator

Start of the degree programme
winter semester

Standard period of study
3 - 4 semesters

Application period
online 01.05. - 15.06.2023
Objectives & contents
The Katholische Stiftungshochschule München (KSH) University of Applied Sciences has offered people with a migrant background part-time studies in parallel to work, to become a "state-approved childhood educator" (B.A.) through the BEFAS (Early Childhood Education and Care for applicants with foreign degrees in education) programme since the 2013/14 winter semester. As such, recognition is granted for credits from the first degree in the country of origin towards the studies in childhood education, insofar as similarity to the module content of the degree programme can be determined. The part-time degree programme in parallel to work can thereby be reduced to about 4 semesters. Applications from all over Bavaria are permissible and desired.
In the first phase (2013-2016), the BEFAS programme was restricted to three student groups, each with 20 places. Due to the highly successful process, as well as the huge demand, the KSH has obtained third-party funding commitment for a further phase since 28.04.2016. The university aims to make the BEFAS programme permanent. Now, the KSH is in a third phase of funding until 2022.
Structure of the curriculum
Students in the BEFAS programme work 25 hours per week from Monday to Thursday, as educational specialists or assistants in a state-sponsored child daycare facility. On Fridays or Saturdays, they attend full-day lectures at the university. In cooperation with the Volkshochschule München adult education centre, BEFAS students are offered a terminology-orientated German course during their first semester, which is also held on Fridays or Saturdays. In addition, the students complete a "Childhood Education Preparatory Course" at the university at the start of their studies.
A prerequisite for participation in the BEFAS programme is a language certificate in German at C1 level.
Prospects & perspectives
The Bachelor's degree programme in Childhood Education offers numerous professional development opportunities. It enables
- scientifically based education, care and development of children, as well as cooperation with parents, schools and support systems,
- theoretically based supervision of interns, and supervision of participants in practice-integrated training courses, practice mentoring,
- leadership of child daycare facilities, and of facility associations,
- provision of specialist advice in child daycare facilities,
- specialist supervisory activities at child daycare institutions and authorities,
- practice-related training of educational specialists and assistants, at specialist academies for social education or vocational schools for childcare (after about two years of professional experience),
- execution of educational management tasks in the context of child and youth welfare services,
- fulfilment of networking tasks in the social environment,
- participation in the planning, implementation and evaluation of educational offers in the context of all-day schools,
- as well as admission to a Master's degree programme with the perspective of subsequent doctoral research and scientific activity.
Applications & admission
In order to apply for a place on the BEFAS programme, proof must be provided of a relevant degree in the subject, which has been obtained at a recognised foreign university/university of applied sciences.
The following admission requirements must be met:
- If you have a foreign university degree and wish to apply for the BEFAS programme at the KSH, you must first have your foreign certificates checked by the external service provider uni-assist e.V.. The pre-evaluation documentation obtained from uni-assist e.V. must be submitted together with the application documents. Information for applicants with foreign certificates can be found here. The application to uni-assist e.V. for the pre-evaluation documentation can be found here.
- Applicants from non-German-speaking countries must provide proof of adequate German language skills.
- A list of the recognised German language examinations can be found here.
- Applicants from states which are not members of the European Union need proof of nationality or proof of country of origin, and a residence permit.
Contract of employment as an educational specialist or assistant in a state-sponsored child daycare facility in Bavaria, for 25 hours per week.
For further information about the degree programme, please refer to the German pages about the BEFAS (B.A.) programme, or ask the general contact person at the Dean's Office.

Study location

Social Work, Munich

Dean of the Faculty
Prof. Dr. Jochen Ribbeck

Academic degree
Bachelor of Arts (B.A.); state-approved childhood educator

Start of the degree programme
winter semester

Standard period of study
3 - 4 semesters

Application period
online 01.05. - 15.06.2023
Objectives & contents
The Katholische Stiftungshochschule München (KSH) University of Applied Sciences has offered people with a migrant background part-time studies in parallel to work, to become a "state-approved childhood educator" (B.A.) through the BEFAS (Early Childhood Education and Care for applicants with foreign degrees in education) programme since the 2013/14 winter semester. As such, recognition is granted for credits from the first degree in the country of origin towards the studies in childhood education, insofar as similarity to the module content of the degree programme can be determined. The part-time degree programme in parallel to work can thereby be reduced to about 4 semesters. Applications from all over Bavaria are permissible and desired.
In the first phase (2013-2016), the BEFAS programme was restricted to three student groups, each with 20 places. Due to the highly successful process, as well as the huge demand, the KSH has obtained third-party funding commitment for a further phase since 28.04.2016. The university aims to make the BEFAS programme permanent. Now, the KSH is in a third phase of funding until 2022.
Structure of the curriculum
Students in the BEFAS programme work 25 hours per week from Monday to Thursday, as educational specialists or assistants in a state-sponsored child daycare facility. On Fridays or Saturdays, they attend full-day lectures at the university. In cooperation with the Volkshochschule München adult education centre, BEFAS students are offered a terminology-orientated German course during their first semester, which is also held on Fridays or Saturdays. In addition, the students complete a "Childhood Education Preparatory Course" at the university at the start of their studies.
A prerequisite for participation in the BEFAS programme is a language certificate in German at C1 level.
Prospects & perspectives
The Bachelor's degree programme in Childhood Education offers numerous professional development opportunities. It enables
- scientifically based education, care and development of children, as well as cooperation with parents, schools and support systems,
- theoretically based supervision of interns, and supervision of participants in practice-integrated training courses, practice mentoring,
- leadership of child daycare facilities, and of facility associations,
- provision of specialist advice in child daycare facilities,
- specialist supervisory activities at child daycare institutions and authorities,
- practice-related training of educational specialists and assistants, at specialist academies for social education or vocational schools for childcare (after about two years of professional experience),
- execution of educational management tasks in the context of child and youth welfare services,
- fulfilment of networking tasks in the social environment,
- participation in the planning, implementation and evaluation of educational offers in the context of all-day schools,
- as well as admission to a Master's degree programme with the perspective of subsequent doctoral research and scientific activity.
Applications & admission
In order to apply for a place on the BEFAS programme, proof must be provided of a relevant degree in the subject, which has been obtained at a recognised foreign university/university of applied sciences.
The following admission requirements must be met:
- If you have a foreign university degree and wish to apply for the BEFAS programme at the KSH, you must first have your foreign certificates checked by the external service provider uni-assist e.V.. The pre-evaluation documentation obtained from uni-assist e.V. must be submitted together with the application documents. Information for applicants with foreign certificates can be found here. The application to uni-assist e.V. for the pre-evaluation documentation can be found here.
- Applicants from non-German-speaking countries must provide proof of adequate German language skills.
- A list of the recognised German language examinations can be found here.
- Applicants from states which are not members of the European Union need proof of nationality or proof of country of origin, and a residence permit.
Contract of employment as an educational specialist or assistant in a state-sponsored child daycare facility in Bavaria, for 25 hours per week.
For further information about the degree programme, please refer to the German pages about the BEFAS (B.A.) programme, or ask the general contact person at the Dean's Office.